

5217 Uppsatser om Kompetens och profession - Sida 1 av 348

Folkbibliotekarier - Kompetens, identitet och status

The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to develop knowledge about how librarians experience their professional identity, argue for their competence and describe their profession based on their professional skills, tasks, and status. The method that is used to answer the questions of the study is semi-structured interviews with five public librarians. The theory used in this essay is Ørom?s six librarian identities plus Schreiber?s experience intermediate identity.

"Lärarens kompetens är helt avgörande för undervisningens kvalitet" : en studie i hur lärarnas kompetens uttrycks i dagstidningar 1996 och 2004

Denna uppsats handlar om dagstidningars syn på lärarkårens Kompetens och professionalitet. Hur speglas detta i några olika tidningar och vad skulle kunna tänkas vara orsaken till den ofta ganska negativa bilden av lärarnas kompetens. Uppsatsen är en jämförelse mellan 1996 och 2004 för att också försöka se om synen har förändrats över tid. En orsak till den negativa synen på lärarnas kompetens skulle kunna förklaras med att lärarna saknar en egen profession. Det innebär att lärarkåren är öppen för kritik och synpunkter från allmänheten som ibland anser sig veta bättre vad som bör gälla i skolan än lärarna själva.

Att vara tillfällig - En studie om synen på vikarien

Vikarien är en person som befinner sig i den dagliga verksamheten inom skolan. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa synen på vikarien utifrån begreppen profession och kompetens. Undersökningen baseras på verksamma lärare samt personer med erfarenhet av vikariat. De frågor som arbetet utgår ifrån är följande; Hur ser lärare på vikarien utifrån begreppen behörighet och kompetens? Hur ser vikarien på sin roll och kunskap? För att finna svar på dessa frågor har metoden baserats på kvalitativa intervjuer.

Expertis, service och autonomi : Analys av professionalisering och professionalism i bibliotekarieyrket

The purpose of this study is to examine and compare librarian profession with different professional theories. The intention is to describe how the librarian profession meets the different professional criteria and to what extent the librarian profession can be said to be professional in expertise, service and autonomy. Nolin?s modern theory provides an opportunity to analyze occupational groups based on professionalized basic concepts. The analysis of relevant material showed that the librarian is a service profession with high skills, but does not hold a high degree of autonomy.

Mäklaryrket ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv

The Profession of Real Estate Agents has by tradition been a male profession. However during later years the profession has changed. It is now many young women that are pursuing a career as a Real Estate Agent.In the light of this background we have researched how Real Estate Agents employed by Fastighetsbyrån and Svensk Fastighetsförmedling perceive their profession from an equality perspective.The investigation has been limited to include the counties of Värmland and Närke and have been conducted by interviewing Real Estate Agents of different age and sex and the managers of the firms.The study show that the Real Estate Agents perceive their profession in a positive way and that the work is divided equal. However it emerged that there were a division regarding different real estate types in certain agencies. The Real Estate Agents believe that the gender of the manager is of no importance.

Revisorsyrket i förändring

Changes in the society engender changes in the practice of the auditor profession. Stricter laws, more detailed recommendations, and demands from the auditor?s clients have increased. The auditor constitutes a profession and therefore it is important that there is a trust since the auditor is the one that certifies the quality of the company?s economical information.

Revisorsyrket i förändring

Changes in the society engender changes in the practice of the auditor profession. Stricter laws, more detailed recommendations, and demands from the auditor?s clients have increased. The auditor constitutes a profession and therefore it is important that there is a trust since the auditor is the one that certifies the quality of the company?s economical information.

Bibliotekarie ? vad är du, vad kan du, vad vill du? - en kvalitativ studie om bibliotekariestudenters och utbildningsrepresentanters syn på yrkesidentitet, kompetens och karriär

The aim for this bachelor thesis was to form a deeper understanding of librarians? occupation and professional identity and therefore we have examined library students? and educators? view on professional identity, competence and career possibilities. Our take on this was that there seems to be little interest in managerial positions and we asked ourselves why this is and if we could see a change in interest in the librarians to become. As our theoretical framework, we chose Andrew Abbott?s, 'Theory of Profession'.

En ny värld? : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskollärare ser på sin första tid i yrket

The aim of this thesis was to use qualitative approaches to show how four preschool teachers experienced their start in the profession as a preschool teacher. The questions in the stydy were as follows: What kind of expectations did the preshool teachers have before the start in the profession? What did the preshool teachers experience as difficulty and opportunity at the start in the profession? How do they think now about their professional development during the early period in the profession? The empirical material, I got through a qualitative interview method. My theoretical starting point was to take the hermeneutic research perspective, aimed for interpreting and understanding. Theories of Socialization and socialization for teachers, socio-cultural theories and theories of tacit knowledge have been used to analyze the material.

Gesällbrevet hänger på håret : Sex gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om gesällbrevet på frisörprogrammet

Syftet med studien är att undersöka frisörelevers uppfattningar om gesällbrevet. Det är ett yrkesbevis för frisörens kunskap och kompetens och det är det enda bevis med vilken branschen kan mäta elevers kunskap. På ett frisörprogram med trettio elever valde tre elever 2009 att ta sitt gesällbrev. Av dessa siffror att döma, ska jag med kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka 6 avgångselevers uppfattningar. En strävan är också att informera och väcka intresse om gesällen.

Vad gör en livsmedelsinspektör egentligen? : en studie om livsmedelsinspektörens yrkesroll sedd ur olika perspektiv

Aims The aim of this study was to investigate how personnel within food control are regarded from different perspectives and to find the answers to the sub questions:- what is included in the profession of food control?- what are the requirements for personnel within the profession of food control?- how is the profession perceived from different perspectives?- how do personnel within the profession of food control estimate their psycho social working conditions?Method The study included 68 individuals (34 female and 34 male) and was conducted via observations, web-based surveys and survey-based interviews. Conclusion - The study was feasible.- The overall goal of the study as well as the research questions were answered to and contributed to clarify what is included in the profession of food control. - Quality measures should be implemented to greater extent within the development of the national food control system..

Hur ser debatten ut kring planerarens profession ut i media? : Med fokus på tidskriften PLAN

Planeraren har ett yrke som kan vara svårt att beskriva och flera olika benämningar används för samma profession. Rollen har förändrats och planeraren har gått från att vara autonom expert till att i större omfattning agera samordnare styrd av politiska viljor. Jag anser att det finns en viss otydlighet kring planerarens uppgifter och hamnar ofta i diskussioner om stadsplaneringens mindre åtråvärda konsekvenser och önskar därmed kunna ge en så rättvis bild av min blivande yrkesroll som möjligt.Denna uppsats syftar till att ta del av debatten kring planerarens profession och utveckling i media, och uppsatsen berör huvudsakligen begreppen profession, roll och kompetens. Tidskriften PLAN utgör källa för de artiklar som används för att representera debatten. PLAN ges ut av Föreningen för Samhällsplanering och kan ses som planerarkårens interna organ.Resultat kan sammanfattas till att det råder enighet kring att planerarrollen förändrats i takt med att antalet aktörer i planeringen ökat och därmed också komplexiteten i processen.

Genuskommunikation i biblioteksvärlden: hon och han i kvinnosfär

The librarian profession is dominated by women. The aim with this essay is to find out howmen and women in this field get on together, and how they experience their psycho·social work situation bearing this in mind. Are there any advantages or disadvantages being a woman or a man in this profession? What do the librarians think about the future? Men and women working at five different public libraries, where the domination of women is greatest, have been interviewed. The essay is based on their opinions and experiences.The female and male librarian get on well with each other and have a good cooperation.There are not many advantages or disadvantages depending on the sex in the profession, but the image, status and salary would probably be better, if there were more men in the profession.

Legitimation för förskollärare : Statens strategi mot ökad professionalisering

This essay discusses the decision of licensing for nursery and school teachers. In Swedish society there has for a long time been discourse about professionalisation within various industries, including teaching. One strategy towards achieving professional status is official authorisation of a profession, which occurs when a profession obtains licensing. In February 2011, the Swedish government announced the decision that nursery and school teachers would be licensed. This means that only those with an education can be employed as a teacher and obtain that license.

Personlig Assistans : utifrån assistentens perspektiv

Personal assistants ' descriptions of their own professional role are usually removed for the benefit of users ' description of the profession. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the assistants perceive their profession by providing assistants a possibility to talk about their experiences of the profession. Data has been collected by twelve interviews with active working personal assistants aged 22-57 years. Assistants interviewed have different experiences and working with people with various disabilities. The method used is a qualitative method with a narrative analysis method, where the twelve interviews have been merged into four fictional stories.

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